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Find out all the many ways to get involved with worship at PFFBC


The adult choir leads us in worship most every Sunday morning in congregational music

and with anthems. The music for this choir varies greatly in style from traditional to

contemporary. We meet weekly to rehearse each selection in advance. No experience or audition

is necessary to join this choir. Simply let our Minister of Worship know you would like to sing

and come to one of our rehearsals so we can get to know you. Teens are welcomed as well.


Our younger students comprise our Children’s Choir. This choir sings occasionally during our

worship services and present seasonal musicals each year. The rehearsals are designed to be fun

and include many different ways to praise God. There is no audition required – all are welcome.


This is a dedicated team of volunteers who operate our sound, projection, and video equipment

for all our services on a rotating schedule. This ministry is open to members who are willing to

learn and give of their time. Simply contact our Minister of Worship for additional information.

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